About Stevens Point Murals

I'm Ryan Victory, and I've been living in Point for 15+ years. After seeing how passionate people are about our city's murals, I set out to do my best to preserve the historic art throughout our city by using photography. My goal is to create a place where people can explore the artwork in extreme detail. Many photos exist of our beautiful public art, but very few (if any) seem to be focused on giving a high quality "straight on" view, without distortion or angles.

I use a drone to capture multiple images of each mural, and then I put them together using gigapixel/panorama stitching software. Using the drone allows me to take a "straight on" picture of the mural, free from distortion. This also lets me get high quality photos even of the very top of each mural.

If you have any ideas, questions, corrections, or anything else, please send me an email at rvictory@gmail.com. Please include "Point Murals" in the subject. I plan to keep adding more and more murals as time goes on, so check back often!

Notice: The images on this website are provided for historical and archival purposes only and are not intended to be printed, reproduced, or used in any other manner. The original artists retain all copyright to their works, along with any additional copyright holders designated by the artist.

To use these images in any way, you must obtain permission from both the original artist and this website. Our aim is to preserve and share the cultural heritage of Stevens Point through these murals while respecting the rights of the artists.